Wood pellets

Description: JSC “Baltic Pellets” are wood pellets manufacturing company in Lithuania. Our products are certified ENplus A1 trademark, which proves that we produce and sell the best quality wood pellets corresponding to EN 14961-2 norm. We produce 6mm pellets only from conifer wood. First of all coniferous logs are debarked, then chopped to chips. These chips are dried, minced and pressed to pellets. We don’t use any glues or chemical additives, it is 100% natural wood fuel. Wood pellets have much less moisture than firewood, so it is more efficient fuel used for heating.
JSC “Baltic Pellets” produced pellets characteristics:
• Diameter – 6 mm;
• Mechanical durability - 98,4 %
• Net calorific value – 17,7 MJ/kg;
• Humidity – 7,4 %;
• Ash content – 0,37 %;
• Bulk density - 647 kg/m3.
Please contact by e-mail: info@baltic-pellets.lt, skype: baltic-pellets or www.baltic-pellets.lt
Price: 140.00 Eur/t
Min. Order Quantity: 24 t
Max. Quantity per Month: 1 000 t
ENplus A1 ID-Nr.LT010
Payment: Bank
Looking for: buyer, customer, client, purchaser, shopper
Special offers: Buying a stable quantities price is combined