Pellet press OGM-1,5A 1000 kg/hour

Description: Pellet press OGM-1,5A is intended to pelletize various materials. Qualification of material: they must be dry (no more 10-18% humidity, depends on material. Please contact us for more information) and small (partickles nor bigger than 1x3 mm size).
We have tested our pellet press and it works with: straw, sawdust, peat, chicken manure, brown coal powder, plastic and cardboard mixture, grass flour, combined fodder for animals, canary grass, energy willows, cement mix, dried sugar-beet pulp, bran, sunflower husks and many more.
The basic units include:
1. press with the batcher and mixer
2. screw transporter
3. bin, elevator
4. cooler
5. cyclone-ventilator
6. sorter
7. electric box
8. water system join
9. extra EKO filter
Output, t/h
-grass, compound feed, sugar beet up to 2,5
-pulp peat, manure, husk up to 1,8
-sawdust, straw up to 1,3
Demanded power, kW 99
Diameter of die holes, mm 1,8-14
Price: 91 000.00 Eur/pcs
Min. Order Quantity: 1 pcs
Max. Quantity per Month: 6 pcs
Payment: Bank
Special offers: Among project
Category: Metal products and machinery , Category: Industrial equipment