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Industrial equipment

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Price: 1 000.00 Eur
Country of origin: Lithuania
Special price: 1 000.00 Eur
Price: 400.00 Eur
Country of origin: Poland
Price: 91 000.00 Eur
Country of origin: Lithuania
Price: 1.00 Eur
Country of origin: Lithuania
Special price: 1.00 Eur
Price: 0.00 Eur
Country of origin: Poland
Price: 0.00 Eur
Country of origin: Poland
Price: 0.00 Eur
Country of origin: Other
Price: 0.00 Eur
Country of origin: Poland
Price: 0.00 Eur
Country of origin: Poland
Price: 0.00 Eur
Country of origin: Lithuania
Price: 0.00 Eur
Country of origin: Lithuania
Price: 0.00 Eur
Country of origin: Poland
Product Title Photo Description Pricesort descending Country of origin

Petrol engine cutaway model DOHC MPI

Order number: IVDB02 The educational cutaway model is based... more 0.00 Eur Lithuania

Diesel engine timing belt trainer

Order number: IVOD–CR01 The educational training engine model... more 0.00 Eur Lithuania

Direct petrol injection FSI trainer

Order number: MSFSI 1 Fully functional engine control system... more 0.00 Eur Lithuania

Inspection system MR 2000

Inspection system MR-2000 has been designed for remote testing... more 0.00 Eur Poland

ImmerSonic Scanning System

ImmerSonic is a high- quality ultrasonic system dedicated to... more 0.00 Eur Poland

Automatic Longitudinal Polisher GR2000S for low stress finish surface

GR2000S is applicable for polishing material e.g. samples... more 0.00 Eur Poland

Biomass boiler plants equipment

Enerstena manufactures equipment for biofuel boiler houses... more 0.00 Eur Lithuania


Shot blasting machines Design and production 0.00 Eur Lithuania

Gas and liquid fuel burning plants equipment

Enerstena designs and manufactures liquid-gas fuelled boiler... more 0.00 Eur Lithuania

Various industrial equipment

1)Equipment for peat industry: -Equipment for peat... more 0.00 Eur Lithuania

Automatic Longitudinal Polisher GR04 for low stress finish surface

Polishers ver. GR04 is applicable for polishing material e.g.... more 0.00 Eur Poland

Multipoint petrol injection trainer

Order number: MSMPI 1 Fully functional engine control system... more 0.00 Eur Lithuania


The Emat Control System is an ultrasonic measuring system... more 0.00 Eur Poland

Air conditioning and climate control system training board

Order number: MSC1 Fully functional air conditioning and... more 0.00 Eur Lithuania

Dairy Water Heater, Livestock Water Heater, Water Heaters for Milking Parlours : Eco House Solutions UK

The Eco House Dairy Farm Heat Exchanger system - specifically... more 0.00 Eur Other
